3D wall art offers a modern and trendy wall cover that can turn a standard wall into a magnificent work of art. Our range of 3D Wall Art offers a collection of contemporary wall textures that can be used as a feature or as a complete surface cover. This product can easily be installed by simply applying a layer of acrylic adhesive to the back of the 3D panel and securing the panel to the wall. 3D Wall Art is ideal for residential and commercial projects such as Home Interiors, Hotels, Office lobbies, Restaurants, Exhibition spaces, Retail Outlets and many more. Together, our 3D Wall Art forms a repeating pattern that can be sprayed or painted in any desired colour. Features and Benefits: *Eco Friendly. Made with plant fibre *Easy to install. Stick directly onto wall using Acrylic Adhesive *Paintable *Light Weight *Decorative Finis